Adapterprofil für Hebeschiebetür Schwelle

In combination with the substructure insulating profiles from our module, you get a system that provides a quiet and even motion of your lift/sliding door system and guarantees a highly insulating substructure.

The modular construction allows you to level and mount the substructure prior to delivery of the lift/sliding door system. The savings realised in weight simplify the work and prevent damage.

Schwellenunterbau Adapterprofil Hebeschiebetür Schwelle

Adapter profile for lift/sliding door Schüco ASS70  made from Phonotherm®200 with substructure insulating profiles.

Optionally with drill holes for water drainage.

Possible installation scenario in restoration with an easy solution

Precise milling for aluminum profile

Für einen zuverlässigen Tür- und Fenstereinbau ermöglichen die Produkte unseres Baukastens weitere Möglichkeiten: z.b. HSTtherm ergänzt durch die Rahmenverbreiterung RVBtherm.

HSTherm in our product catalog

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