With the substructure insulating profile UDPtherm, you secure the desired floor recess for your door or window. As a new type of threshold profile made of recycled plastics, you get a stable, adaptable, waterproof, and highly insulating threshold substructure for doors or windows with ideal physical building material properties.

Floor-depth windows: UDPtherm in combination with our window base junction profiles made of Kerdyn™ Green FR

Doors: UDPtherm as door threshold substructure with adapter profiles made of Phonotherm®200

Optimal isothermality


No mold development


No thermal bridge


Optimized water vapor diffusion coefficient

Depending on version

No condensation


Good acoustic insulation

Depending on version

Other reasons to install our threshold profiles

No rotting of the substructure insulating profiles in the event of moisture penetration. The profiles retain their technical properties even with prolonged exposure to moisture. Numerous tests with common sealing systems have shown good compatibility. You can find a detailed list of tested systems here.

Sealing and adhesive systems containing solvents also do not affect the building material properties. Here, you can find documentation on our inhouse test.

Due to the consistent high strength of the material, you can insert screws or apply adhesives at any level.

The variant made of Kerdyn™ Green FR enables easy processing with minimal dust of the building elements in the workshop or on the construction site. Additionally, you achieve great reduction in weight as the raw material was manufactured through a foaming process.

Flexible heights for your specific floor recess

Through a combination of the standard heights from our TOB modular system or through the combination of customized heights, any floor structure can be supplied with a UDPtherm floor recess profile.
Alternatively, the materials can be delivered in the fixed heights for the floor recess – in quantities of 1 if desired.

<b>Floor recess from the TOB standard modular system</b>

Also available made with Phonotherm® 200

<b>Floor recess from customer-specific profile heights</b>
<b>Floor recess as a single building element</b>
Substructure profile with aluminum door threshold made with Kerdyn Green FR

Substructure insulating profile with door threshold

The individual modules are glued and screwed together with one another (see Accessories). From a structural perspective, this results in a monolithic system without internal joints. This significantly improves the rigidity of the complete system.

At the same time, the floor recess profile can be adapted to the existing circumstances at the construction site without sacrificing stability or strength.

Depending on the floor height, securing the profile with steel brackets – preferably on the inside of the building – may be necessary.

We will be happy to provide you with values for structural design for window installation using our substructure profiles.

We also have information available regarding fall prevention in accordance with ETB and burglary resistance per DIN EN 1627.

Please contact our product management .

The standard module is available in two different widths.

Modular or monolithic version of the substructure profile

Your selection of standard heights of the TOB modular system:

Made with Kerdyn™ Green FR
Sandwich with 2 PVC cover layers
15 mm / 30 mm / 50 mm / 100 mm


Made with Phonotherm® 200
Monolithic, without cover layers
25 mm / 50 mm / 100 mm


The perfect material combination for your construction project

Depending on the required load-bearing capacity of your floor threshold substructure, aesthetic demands, other technical requirements, and commercial parameters, we offer the optimal material combination for your substructure profile as part of individual customer production.

Schwellenprofil mit PVC Beschichtung

Your selection of materials

Kerdyn raw / 1 density

Kerdyn raw / sandwich construction out of multiple densities

Kerdyn raw + 1 side PVC lamination


Kerdyn raw + 2-sided PVC – lamination

Sandwich construction out of Kerdyn + XPS

Sandwich construction out of Kerdyn + XPS + PVC-lamination


Substructure insulating profile made with Kerdyn™ Green FR with two-sided PVC lamination and mounted to the window frame.

For any profile geometry

The profile geometry for the adaptation of the substructure profile is based on the requirements of your door or window profile. With our profile-processing center, we can meet almost any specifications.

Bodeneinstandsprofil aus Kerdyn mit Fensterbankanschlussprofil

Junction profiles depending on system manufacturer.

Tongue and groove connections for easy stacking of varying heights.

Your selection of junction profiles

Without milling / smooth

Counter milling according to profile

Counter milling with groove for sealing tape


Counter milling with dry seal

Counter milling with clip function


Are you interested in our substructure insulating profile?

Then contact us.

To directly contact our experts, use the request form.


Material Phonotherm®200
Specifications H 200mm L 400mm W 150mm
PSI value 0,04
Compatible with modular system yes
Application Prefabricated homes, solaria

UDPtherm in our product catalog

© Copyright 2023 Pflüger TOB - Thermisch optimiertes Bauzubehör

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